Marc Garcia
Job Experience
Account Executive @ WorkBeast LLC 2021-10
Flex Metal Solutions Consultant @ InMotion Hosting 2020-06
Account Manager @ InMotion Hosting 2018-11
Hosting Consultant @ InMotion Hosting 2016-03
Security Consultant @ ADT 2015-11
Barista Trainer @ Starbucks 2013-09
Licenses & Certifications
Since before I could drive I was drawn to automobiles and the freedom which they represented. Teaching myself to drive a manual was full of stalls and launches. The desire for more speed quickly followed and the tenacity to stick to things I started grew.
Music was always a guiding force in my life. Music represented another escape from the world and a way to work through emotions in my earlier life. I grew into dj’ing and pushing the music I enjoyed to dance floors and still maintain my vinyl collection to this day.
Automation has been a newer focus. I think this came first from working at ADT and selling their home automation solutions. I then found things I could incorporate into my own home and have begun dabbling with Pi boards to create my own closed network tools. I’m slowly working into TensorFlow usage so I can make my smart mirror respond to the user based on facial recognition.